JAMES, DAVID (1787 - 1862), musician

Name: David James
Date of birth: 1787
Date of death: 1862
Gender: Male
Occupation: musician
Area of activity: Music; Performing Arts
Author: Robert David Griffith

Born in 1787, he was brought up by his aunt at Penrallt, Pont Saison, near Brynberian, Pembrokeshire. As a child he only had three months' schooling, but he taught himself to be a good arithmetician and something of an astronomer. Dafydd Siencyn Morgan gave him his first lessons in music. In 1804 he was called up for military service at Haverfordwest, where he was given lessons in music by the conductor of the Militia band, becoming, in consequence, quite a capable musician. He formed at Brynberian a choir and a class to study the elements of music. He composed a number of airs; ' Myfyrdawd ' will be found in the Efangylydd, March 1833.


Published date: 1959

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